Corporate mission statement of the Mahnke Group
The Mahnke Group is a medium-sized, structured family business that has grown organically over three generations and that has built up for itself a firm place in the European retail market as producer, supplier, developer and service provider. Under the overall management of our holding company with its headquarters at Mülheim an der Ruhr our operative subsidiaries look after clearly defined product segments, reaching an annual turnover of approximately EUR 750 million with over 650 employees. The deliberate separation of management and production or, as the case may be, sales makes possible proper focussing on our core area of expertise and core task, namely the production and procurement of qualitatively high-value, innovative and also traditional products.
As an employer we feel ourselves committed to our region – the Ruhr area – and are grateful for the enrichment which we experience from, on the one hand, our subsidiaries in France, Sweden, Switzerland, China and the U.S.A. and, on the other hand, from our business partners active around the world. Openness for other cultures and views is a matter of course for us, not least because they are a constituent part of our daily work – namely that of trading in goods from all round the world. Similarly a matter of course for us is the commitment to social responsibility vis à vis our employees and business partners because they are the foundation for our success as a business. Accordingly maintaining an open and trusting one-with-another is an important guiding principle of our enterprise.
As producer and supplier we are responsible for the quality of our products vis à vis our customers and the consumers. Accordingly implemented sustainability in the widest sense of the word is a natural obligation and remit for us. Under sustainability we understand, above all, trading in an environmentally compatible manner, conserving resources and fulfilling and establishing minimum social standards. Here we measure not only our actions but also, daily, those of our suppliers.